Can you believe we are sixteen weeks into the 52 weeks of 2019? Man time flies when you keep busy. Busy is a understatement for how our world goes these days. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote a “Wrap Up.” So, I thought I needed to take a break from the madness and update you all on what’s been going on. So here goes…
The Positive:
Moving forward with plans and progress with the “Rock Bottom Farms – Still water”:
Through some exciting and developing doors that are opening we are looking forward to moving forward with the Rock Bottom Farms – Still water project. We have completed most of the demolition that was needed in the structure and are working towards the process of reconstructing the structures, and going to try and even get some crops in the ground there this year. We are hoping to move our Pennsylvania – East Coast base of operations to this facility by fall 2019. And hope to have the entire project up and running in the spring of 2020.
Victory Garden’s:
Can we say “Grow Food!”? I can’t hear you! I mean Let’s GROW FOOD and not let all of the adventures thrown at us by our society stop us. Here at GTKYF Foundation Inc, through our My Victory Garden Program we are ever so busy growing food in all types and concepts of ways and places. If you are interested in learning more please let us know – we are fully committed to growing LOCAL Natural Food everywhere we can.
As we continue to grow the STEP Group of GTKYF Foundation Inc, we are excited to be reaching out into fields and areas of training that we had not previously offered. For the most part The STEP Group has been primarily a construction and skilled trades endeavor. With the different opportunities and situations presenting themselves so far this year. We are continuing to explore and work towards The STEP GROUP being involved in industries such as, continuing to grow to fit the needs as we are able and led:
- Agricultural Services Group:
- Chicken Catching (we did a dry run of this for several months recently)
- Farm and Field Labor
- Processing Plant for Direct to Consumer Meats
- Farmers Market Labor
- Farmers Market Operation and Ownership
- A Shed and Outbuilding/ Tiny house construction program
- A Farm to Table Food Cart (or Truck), a commissary (to help people get into their own food cart type business), and a Restaurant.
- A Tow Truck, recycling business
- A business providing workers to other small businesses
- A Cleaning, and Janitorial Business.
Our support of Columbia Concerned Citizens Association:
Through several of our programs we have become involved in the direct and indirect support of a group called “Columbia Concerned Citizens Association” and their endeavor to hold their local leadership of the Borough of Columbia Pennsylvania accountable and responsible. As an advocate and staunch believer in Strong LOCAL communities, we stand with them in this fight against the Property Tax increase that is designed to negatively affect those of lower income and struggling as it is. All while loaning the money to a wealthy businessman (who doesn’t even live in the direct community) in order to further gentrify the local community. Learn More about their FIGHT for their LOCAL Community at They are holding another public community meeting on May 19th in Columbia Pennsylvania.
You can DONATE Directly to them via
The Negative:
Shut down of all the projects in the Pottstown Pennsylvania.
Well, I have to report that we have withdrawn from these projects. Due to issues beyond our control, a local government and community that is not conducive towards any type of community building we have chosen to not pursue these projects at this time.
- Food Cart
- Farmers Market
- Direct To Consumer Food
The Health Of Ethan The Farmer:
- I need to lose some weight…lol
How many of you can relate to the feeling of “FAT”? Well, due to my ongoing health issues and struggles, I am the heaviest I have ever been. In the coming days I plan to explore and decide on a diet plan to help me lose about 15 lbs and make me feel healthy again. I’m looking for a small group of people that would like to embark on this as a team, to work towards a healthier life. If you are interested in being part of this project please reach out to me.
- Doctors Doctors Doctors and more Doctors:
What two professions in America Practice? Doctors and Lawyers… If you called a plumber to your house and he told you he was practicing you would throw him out. but , when you go to the doctors or Lawyer they real quick to tell you they are practicing. Why is it we have as a society accepted that those entrusted with our health and our legal health can just practice? And not actually know?
As many of you know I contend with a litany of health issues, most being tied to the incident from December 2012 on the farm. Because of those issues I fight unrelenting headaches and pain in my back, shoulders, knee, and more. Just since the first of the year I have fallen three times, causing injury to myself. Once damaging my left wrist and thumb, once scraping up the right side of my face, and the latest injuying my left hip and lower back. The Medical world likes to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. (that is the actual definition of insanity – LOL). I tend to treat most of my health aliments with natural methods, as I dont have alot of faith in our current medical system. Just one example of the type of doctors that exist under the current system my direct Primary Care Physician (PCP) told me the reason I have ongoing stomach and gastro issues is because I “eat raw, unprocessed foods.” And that if I were to only eat processed foods I would not have those issues. Now, I have had pancreatitis since about the age of 11… This is the kinda stuff that a Doctor that is employed by one of the biggest health care medical school systems in Pennsylvania truly believes. Tell me – Do you think he has bought the big pharma line of nonsense?
Our Financial needs:
As most of you know our organization has a never ending issue of more needs than resources. There are many more people, families, issues, and projects needing our resources then there are resources. We are running a $30,000 deficit at this point for 2019 in addition to our long term debt. We need each of your help as we cannot do this alone. We invest our blood, sweat and tears into matters related to farms, food, families, and freedom… but need the financial support to keep all of this going. With 25 + Programs across the United States this is a massive endeavor and on a shoestring… I don’t have an issue with the shoe string approach to all of this, and frankly I don’t see that changing. In fact I would gladly for go a meal or give you the shirt off my back if that would make your world a little better. But, We need your help. We run head to head with the big boys in Non Profit / NGO world, and we do it Grillia style. Please consider Donating TODAY
How can You Help?
We are in desperate need of persons to join with our TECH Group – as this group uses the tech world to help with our core issues related to farms, food, families, and freedom. You don’t have to know code or how to build websites, you just have to have a heart for helping us make this world a better place. We also bee writers, content creation, video editing, and social media.
- Advocacy:
We need volunteer advocates and advocacy team leaders to help us with the never ending need for advocacy related to all things farms, food, families, and freedom. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY
- Admin:
Running this adventure is a daunting task. I invest 100+ hours a week, with no days or time off. Well, that would run anyone down and wear them out. I and others that invest with me need some core key volunteers to help us lighten the load and let us “unplug, rest, and regroup” to keep this all running smoothly going forward.
- Rock Bottom Farms- Stillwater:
As we move forward with this project, we need volunteers to contribute their time as well as resources to make this a functioning life changing facility for many. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY
DONATE – See the Above statements about our financial needs. Or DONATE at
Invite us to do an event in your community:
Part of what we do here at GTKYF Foundation Inc from the very days of our founding as Get To Know Your Farmer, we have been about “Spreading the Message” as it relates to Farms, Food, Families, and Freedom. We are happy to participate and even organize events designed to reach out to the community in which you live. Your local Community. As we have grown we have also developed a series of presentations, workshops, and even hands on programs to not only spread the message but to teach others the skills to improve their lives and communities. For a list of some of the workshops please visit
- Vehicles:
- FUEL – GAS GIFT CARDS for our many programs, and the never ending Fuel Costs organizational wide.
- Utility Van for STEP GROUP
- Livestock Trailer
- One Ton Pickup
- Vehicle for Are You Eating Fishy Food Program
- SUV for ADMIN GROUP transportation
- Trailer for Mobile Farmers Market
- Food Cart / Mobile food truck or vehicle to be built into one
- FlatBed Tow Truck for STEP Group
- MINI Excavator for STEP GROUP
- Bobcat / Skid Stear for STEP GROUP
- Real Estate Needs:
- Restaurant Location for STEP GROUP use as a Farm to Table concept
- Farm / Agricultural Property (eastern Pennsylvania)
- Community House Locations (nationwide)
- Victory Garden Locations (nationwide)
- Farmers Market Locations (Nation wide)
- Facility for a Poultry/ meat processing plant Prefer eastern Pennsylvania(STEP GROUP run – facilitate farm to table meats)
- Hard Money investors for Real Estate projects, and STEP Group Real Estate
- Personal:
- Marketing / video / web
So, as you can see through all of the awesome programs and projects we are part of we are NOT letting grass growing under our feet. But, as always we can not do all of these great and moving things on our own. WE NEED YOU!
Join with us and BE THE CHANGE…
I know this Wrap Up is Long but with all that we are doing and all that is going on it’s getting harder and harder to shorten the skinny of what we are doing. I will try and do more of these so that they are not so cumbersome. – Thank you for hearing me out and being involved.