Here is the story as to how GTKYF Foundation Inc came to Be.

Here is the quick and skinny version as to what has led us to create this organization, the many sites, and the rest of the activities we are involved in…

The site and organization “Get To Know Your Farmer” and the corresponding “I Support My Local Farmer”, along with “Farm Fresh Media” and many other social media pages and websites… the entire organization grew out of our natural family farm and our experiences and desire to make a difference in our world for the future generations.

Lets start towards the beginning:

We (Ethan The Farmer, and Family) set out to farm and ranch in Northern Colorado “Naturally”. And man was that an interesting road to step off into…since these things are not desired by local, state, nor federal government. The government that is and was funded by corporations. Those with the massive monies to fight against natural agriculture. While we learned a lot and got very good at following the money, we also sustained illegal and unlawful searches (raids) of our property for our desire to go it natural. Over the course of 18 months we lost the main farm fighting the courts and the factory farmers. This series of events ended with our family being split up and Ethan our founder caring on the fight alone.

At this point Ethan the Farmer is the main driving force behind this and several other groups fighting for Natural Family Farmers, and other socially responsible causes, worldwide. Topics covered in our current mission statement include “Farms, Food, Families, and Freedom.”  Ethan is now a former radio host, a writer, a speaker, a documentary producer, and actively organizes many types of actions to address the concerns with our government and the actions they are taking. He is the driving force behind GTKYF Foundation Inc and all of its many programs, and projects.

After many months of fighting the system over the many cases against us for farming, some of which included: To date we have not been found guilty by a jury of our pears in any of these cases: ( one case involving Weld County Colorado did end in the appeals court of the Colorado Supreme court. As the courts refused to allow Ethan, the defendant in said case to call witnesses, present evidence, cross examine witnesses, or testify on his own behalf. All of which are constitutionally guaranteed rights in the American justice system. The case was overturned, the conviction against Ethan was reversed, and the case ended there.)

One of the many cases and charges filed against Ethan included “Harassment” against the Sheriff Deputies for telling them to leave our property when they did not have a search warrant. This charge and type of charge was and is being used repeatedly against us and other farmers  (and activists) as a way for the district attorneys to stack as many charges as they can against private citizens with different philosophical, religious,  and political beliefs. Demanding that law enforcement abide by, and honor the rights of private citizens regardless of unlawful policies is NOT harassment under the law. The Conduct of the District Attorneys and the Law Enforcement agencies / officers amounts to political prosecutoral misconduct, and open violations of the United States Code Title 18, Sec 241 – Color of Law Violations as well as USC Title 42 Sec 1983.

Another case involved “Animal cruelty” for 200 baby chicks that were seized at the post office and held for several days without proper care, because they were not vaccinated. They are not required under State or Federal Law to be vaccinated, and in fact we were fully compliant with all state and federal requirements regarding all poultry. We voluntarily tested our flocks and NEVER had a positive test. We were also members of the National Association of Pastured Poultry. They also filed a charge of harassment against us for attempting to secure the release of our baby chicks, and trying to find out why they were being held. This case ended with the conviction against Ethan for disorderly conduct, and a 6 month probationary sentence. Boulder County collaborated with Weld County to accomplish this task. Never was it proven that we had done anything in violation of the law to generate the theft / seizure of our property, the chicks at all. If anyone was guilty of animal cruelty it was the federal state and local governmental employees who facilitated the physical suffering and harm to these birds.

Other Cases involved many counts of “Grazing Livestock on a Municipal Right of Way”. Another attempt by Law Enforcement to stack the deck and charge us with as many criminal cases as possible to get us off our land and sent to jail or prison. Colorado is an “Open Range State”, meaning that in unincorporated parts of the state it is a “fence out – not fence in” law in regards to livestock and their grazing. According to the law it was and is the responsibility of the county to fence out livestock should they desire that they not graze on the right of way. Now, we did construct a fence (five wire high tinsel) that was more than substantial enough to hold the various livestock we raised, except when persons took it upon themselves to vandalize our fences by cutting and otherwise coaxing the animals out of the pastures. None of our farms were inside any municipality, nor did we intentionally graze our livestock outside of the designated areas designed for their grazing. We did from time to time stake out livestock  and use “grazing tractors” to deal with weeds, in accordance with our natural approach to agriculture. We have video taken by security camera’s of persons cutting our fences, feeding our animals “treats” through the fence, and otherwise facilitating the animals escaping from their designated areas and containment. It got to the point that we installed locks on all of the gates, and a cable across the main entrance to the main farm. When we would call law enforcement, and even provided video of the actions by others, they refused to even so much as investigate. The Government clearly denied our right to “equal protection under the law”.

In yet another case we were charged with animal cruelty – animal abandonment for separating a male stud llama named “Samson” from the other animals in our operation to a farm we had a lease to own on in Adams County Colorado. This farm was neither in a city limits nor zoned anything but agriculture. We moved this llama there and within 24 hours the intense and outright attacks by the Adams County Animal Control and Adams County Sheriffs Department had commenced. This farm was directly across the street from what we would refer to as “mc mansions” – large homes built by people who don’t want to live in the city but move to the country and don’t want the smell or any other agriculture activities. They claimed due to the fact that we did not live on site of this property that we had abandoned the llama, “Sampson” there. They were upset as we did not care for the llama on their schedule, in other words bankers hours. In addition they demanded that we store feed on site, even though the hay that had been stored there in the months prior was stolen. To which Law Enforcement refused to take any action to investigate what so ever. Again denying our right to “equal protection under the law.” So after several months of outright harassment and intimidation in attempts to deprive us of the lawfully permitted use of our property, they seized our llama. In the ensuing legal fight the district attorney Lionel Grant Wiley did repeatedly state in open court that they did not have the burden to prove our guilt but that we had to prove our innocence. A direct violation of the right to be presumed innocent. (Incidentally, Mr Wiley did commit suicide just prior to this case actually going to trial, and a felony prosecutor from the Adams County District Attorney office actually took the case to trial.) After months of legal battles and then a full blown jury trial- that we won. They gave us back the llama that they had attempted to castrate and botched that even, destroying even our breading stock. And causing him sever discomfort even to this day. During the course of the trial it came out that even the state vet did not believe that our llama looked unhealthy, but that they could not get their hands on him. Now, those of you that know livestock know that male livestock used for breeding often times have bad dispositions… look at the stories told about bulls chasing people. The county and those living next door who testified as the star witnesses to the counties case clearly did not want us to exercise our beliefs and rights as permitted under the law. The district attorney Mr. Wiley commits suicide during all this. The county never compensated us for the direct and open attack on our rights, and beliefs.

The continued attacks by the factory / conventional farmers for our deeply held beliefs in natural agriculture, against fracking and the political environment that allows for corporations to use money to corrupt our government continued the whole time we lived there. Including nasty threatening mail that the sheriffs department refused to even take a second look at. Threatening voicemails, animals let loose, tires slashed, irrigation gates destroyed, and yet we were the issue according to the county. On one encounter the Sheriff of Weld County  “Jon Cook” made the statement that he “makes the rules here and if you don’t like them move”. To which Ethan responded “you don’t make the rules, you are part of the judiciary and not the legislative of we the people. The only two branches of government that can make law or rules as you call them is the legislative and we the people.” The general response that we received from them repeatedly was that we were not welcome to practice our beliefs in Weld County Colorado, or anywhere in this country.  The standard response form the powers that be was that this was not an issue and that we would be silenced in our speaking out, permanently.

The worse case of these actions took place on December 5, 2012, when via the matriarch of a factory farming family (whos son was employed in the oil and gas field, and was friends with the leadership of Weld County) that lived a mile down the road and had been spotted on more than one occasion stopping and feeding treats though the fence. She decided to stop and feed our calf through the fence with her grandson. Never mind the clear posting within ten feet of her parking location that there was a “NO TRESPASSING” SIGN. After she ran out of treats and the calf like any inquisitive animal wanted more it worked its way out of the fence. She proceeded to pull her van up to the cable across the driveway, and walk down to our home. Crossing two locked gates, and onto our back porch. When she was done with her crime spree, Ethan would be in the hospital with permeate disabilities due to her attempted vehicular homicide. To read more about this – please read “That’s My Story and I’m Sticking to it”. Her actions would lead to the demise of all of our farms at the time and even a future farm location that we farmed in 2014. This case was won on appeal in 2015.

So, as you can see – We NEVER left our farms to cause anyone any harm, our animals were taken care of in accordance with our beliefs. And yet our lives were destroyed and our home taken, our animals stolen, our family split up, and all in the name of corporate greed and political corruption.

We would encourage each of you out there to get involved and to take a stand for what you believe is right. “You have to stand for something or you will fall for anything”.

So After One Badger Farms went down…

What do you do when your
world falls apart?
From a Historical post:
Since our lives have been turned upside down in a big way in March 2013, when the main farm was seized, We thought it would be good to kind of clear the air and lay out our plans and goals for the next year, and the years to come…

Continue to actively engage in our efforts to bring attention to the plight of natural family farmers across this country through several different avenues:

>Participate and assist in whatever way possible with the ongoing “March Against Monsanto”. As the GMO issues this company brings to the table are fatal to the Natural Family Farms. We participated in the May 25, 2013, and in the October 12 2013 March and Rally here in Denver Colorado. We spoke at the Rally in May, Organized the Rally in October, and believe that the general public needs to get informed about what is happening to our food stream. We will continue to strive to hold this company and our elected officials responsible for their actions regarding this issue.

>Continue the Legal Fight with the USDA, the FSA, the Colorado Dept of Agriculture, Adams County Colorado, Boulder County Colorado, and Weld County Colorado for the many violations of the “right to farm act”, Title 18 and 42 of the United States Code, RICO (Organized crime) and other laws regarding these types of actions. Our hope is to make a change in the way these organizations conduct themselves, so that other natural family farmers will not come under the very same kind of attack across this country.

>Continue to challenge the “Fracking” industry here in Colorado, and nationally. As fracking is a process where in the oil and gas companies put profit before the health and well being of people, destroying our land and our water resources. We will continue to address our concerns and let people know of our stance on this matter. Most family farmers are afraid to stand up to these corporate monsters, we will continue to endeavor to stand with them and provide support to do what is right.

>Continue to speak out on the issues of Natural Family Farmers, Fracking, Monsanto, Urban Homesteading, Sustainable living, Food Independence, and Energy Independence. We have done and will continue to do Radio, and TV appearances. In addition to our “Ambassador Livestock” endeavors to show the communities what Food and Energy Independence is all about.

>Farm Fresh Media – “Straight From the Horses Mouth!” Our own Media organization to continue to pursue our goals and objectives throughout this endeavor. Now part of the GTKYF MEDIA GROUP  as of 2020.

>>Our Radio Shows “Farmers Thoughts” – bringing you information on our core topics in a call in radio show format.

>>Articles Written by us under the Farm Fresh Media Group – “The Farmer” – about our core topics.

The Following Items are not yet operational – but are in the works, as we continue to build on this – Standing for Food and Energy Independence – by saving our family farmers:

>Our Own You Tube Channel / Our own Radio Station – as yet another method to get the word out. Complete with News, How To Workshops, and Spotlight on specific topics.

>A New Base Farm – As most of you know we LOST our base of operations in the fight. We started a new one in Colorado and they shut that one down in Sept of 2014. After just one season. So, we are actively seeking a new base of operations for us and the animals. We do not know yet what or how this will happen, but we will not loose hope! Our Stated goal remains the same of 5000 acres on a national scale – in natural, sustainable, permaculture production. This Acreage and activities will be used to provide “Healthy, Affordable Agriculture for ALL!” The total acreage will be a combination of ranch and farm land, urban agriculture programs, homesteads, and community projects. on multiple locations all within 100 miles of core markets. These facilities will be used as training farms – with the intention to teach community, sustainability, and agricultural practices. This project was attacked and ultimately shut down by the same sheriffs depts that brought the original fight.

>Additional Agricultural Endeavors – Since we lost the base operation, we also lost some of our other sites. We plan on replacing these endeavors, and growing our operation and programs nationally.

>Urban Agriculture Sites – In keeping with our mission of “Healthy Affordable Agriculture for ALL!” We plan to continue to obtain and operate Urban Ag sites on the Colorado Front Range, Wyoming, and across the country.

>Co-Op Homesteads & Urban Ag Projects – To assist those who desire a Natural – Back to the basics approach to life. Our goal is to help these families overcome the obstacles and be successful in their Home stead and Urban Ag Project.

>A Farm To Table Concept – To create and operate a Farm to Table Restaurant – to compete with the price point and convenience of the fast food empires but done with Natural healthy food, Direct from our farms.

> Just Us Riders – Riders for Justice – A endeavor to “Take Back our Farms, Food, Families, and Freedom!”

>A Funding Resource – Since big banks and traditional financial institutions are not willing to invest or loan to persons going it naturally, we have plans and ideas of setting up our own investment group to do just that.

> As well as other endeavors to carry out our mission of “Healthy Affordable Agriculture for All!” Stay tuned for more information.