Corporate America… Case Studies:

So, as I travel through my day to day adventures, I have run across the pervasive epidemic of company’s that no longer value the basic tenets of what has made these company’s successful to begin with.

These tenets include:

  • Respect and valuing the customer
  • Exemplifying an attitude of solution building when it comes to customer service problems
  • Empathy to community building and empowerment
  • Compassion and regard for accommodating those with disabilities.
  • A desire to fulfill their obligation to the communities, employees, environment, and world in how they do business. This Includes a basic respect for their obligations under the law and fulfilling those very obligations.

Throughout this series of articles, interviews, podcasts, and videos I intend to shine a light on those who act in a cold callus manor to the communities in which they do business. Whether it be the Homeless, The Disabled, Veterans, or any other protected class. Or just simply an attitude of an “above the Law Mentality.”  Those members of Corporate America who prey on those who have no voice, or those that they perceive as “less than them” or of a lower socio economic class.  When Corporate America acts without a conscience for their actions, we will strive to call them out and expose their misdeeds.

As part of my desire to follow my beliefs and carry out “being the change” I want to see in our world. We will embark on a systematic campaign of exposing these corporate thugs. Perhaps since they clearly are not able to exhibit a level of morals and ethics acceptable in our society we may become their conscience via using the many platforms we are engaged in and the court of “public opinion.”

If you have a lead on a company that has run amuck ethically or is involved in dirty deeds, feel free to send them to me HERE. While I cant guarantee that we can investigate everyone of the cases that exist and are sent to us, I can tell you that we will do our very best to present the facts and the information we are able to gather in regards to the matter. That being said, Please include as much information, facts, videos, photos, and whatever else might help us expose the secret culture of discreet that is rampant in large American companies.  You may choose to remain anonymous, but providing us a way to contact you will help us should we have any questions.

Please remember that all of the programs, endeavors, and adventures are funded by your continued generous support. As always, the needs remain greater than the resources, would you consider DONATING TODAY? HERE     Thank You