Well, Today marks the fact that I’ve survived yet another year of these never ending adventures of chasing this passion I have for Farms, Food, Families, and Freedom. Now, the blasted social media platform you all know called Facebook continues to press me to do a fund raiser for my birthday. As most of you know Im not one to play by the systems games. Nor am I one to endorse them making money on the back of some worth while cause. We here at GTKYF Foundation Inc have not joined Face books fundraising nonsense as we just cant seem to make it jive with our conscience.
But, All that being said…
I Would just simply LOVE it if you would contribute to our organization here at GTKYF Foundation Inc. And Help us carry forth this ambitious list of programs and projects into the next year and beyond. Even a dollar lets me know you care and support us even if it’s more morally than financially. One of the biggest stressors in my day to day life is where are we going to find the money for the needs that we have within the organization and via the various programs. There is nothing like living life by faith that somehow your needs and those of what you are responsible for will be met. I do struggle trusting that they will be taken care of. It is a real battle within my mind on a pretty consistent basis.
So if you can help take some of this huge burden off me, and even wish me a birthday…(like face book asks)
Thank You for your continued support.