So, today is St. Patrick’s day here in the United States where Ethan The Farmer currently resides. Now, how many of you would guess that the Man you know as Ethan The Farmer, is like many of today’s Americans? He is Part Irish! Ethan the Farmer via his Mother, and her dad – Ethan’s Grand Father is a good chunk of the Irish green running through him. His Grandfather, who many that knew both of us say that Ethan is a lot like was Irish through and through.
I remember as a child visiting my Great Aunt, “Aunt Mayfern” in Jackson, Michigan and spending some time with her. she was a nice but very different kinda lady. She was My Grandpa’s older sister. She was a tenancies lady, a Nurse (if i remember correctly) and had a spotless house… Not designed for children to play in. But She did have toys under the one bed… match box cars … lots and lots… We spent several nights at her house when we were there. and I have a lot of fond memories of her. I think she might have even been born in Ireland! I know that her and my grandfather’s mom was born in Ireland for sure.
My Irish Grand Farther… Robert or Bob Greaige. He was a smart man who always loved to learn and do “Projects”. He had a Irish tenacity and stubborn streak… but it served him well. He was very active in things related to radio and electronics. I remember anytime he visited somewhere he would do some kinda project often involving electrical issues. He Served in WWII and had to wear special shoes from his time in the military. When he died, we buried him in the veterans cemetery in Fort Logan, Colorado. I have good memories of him as a child… I remember his disdain for my dad, for all the games my dad played. His wife, my Grand mother still lives in Colorado.
I think a lot of the traits of my IRISH ancestors have had effect on me. From my never ending desire to learn, to my mechanical aptitude, to my deeply held tenacity. As well as my outspokenness and ability to figure just about anything out. A strong work ethic of those from Ireland runs through my blood. Now, don’t take this to say that I drink, as many have turned being Irish into people who drink, especially today Saint Patrick’s Day. I don’t Drink at all ever. In fact alcohol makes me sick because of issues I have with my Pancreas. Sugar Shock is NO Joke, nothing to play with. But, many of the strengths I was given through my strong Irish Heritage and for that I am very proud of.
Thank You My Irish Relatives for giving me the back bone to do what I do today… For that I am blessed.